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Patti's Journal

EuroMillions Online Details that Every Player Should Know


Every player of every lottery game has the responsibility of knowing as much as they can about the game. You wouldn’t be taught how to play the game and there wouldn’t be tutorials, unless you play EuroMillions online, which is why you have to learn how the game goes by yourself. But one of the most important aspect is to know the winning odds of the game you chose to play. If it is the EuroMillions, bear in mind that your odds is at 1 in 116,531,800. This of course would only be applicable for the jackpot prize. For the 12 other prizes though, your winning odds will increase.


Besides the usual EuroMillions lottery game, there are other events and features offered by organizers which make the game more interesting for the players. Some examples are the Millionaire Maker and the EuroMillions Superdraw. While the Millionaire Maker is a raffle draw where the players would only need to enter the bar codes that were given to them when they bought their tickets, the EuroMillions Superdraw is just like the regular lottery one but with a guaranteed jackpot prize of a hundred million euros which will also be rolled over to the next draw when no one wins. The jackpot prize of Millionaire Make will be a million pounds or other non-cash prize and you can enter this for free. The great thing about Millionaire Maker is that you can join whether you play EuroMillions online or not. In addition to this, it also doesn’t matter if you played for a single draw or more than that. You will be qualified to join the Millionaire Maker for every number combination you bet on.


The highest jackpot prize that could ever be is set at 190 million euros but it doesn’t’ mean that the rollover is limited. In fact, once the jackpot prize reaches its maximum limit, the money will be rolled over to the next smaller prizes. This means that even the other tier prizes are more likely to increase in amount.


If you are playing the EuroMillions online and you would want to know about the results, you can check them during the draws which will have slightly different timeframe for every country participating in the lottery game. If you are not located in any of those countries, you can also check them online.